Water Rates and Policies
Quarterly Billing
In an effort to reduce administrative costs we read meters and bill on a quarterly basis. Quarterly billing allows us to keep our water rates lower than all surrounding water districts but there is also a downside to this practice. Reading the meters monthly would make it easier to detect abnormal water usage and alert our customers to the possibility of a leak. Since that is a rare ocurrance, quarterly billing has been the preferred approach for the water district.
Please contact us as soon as possible if you notice an abnormally high water bill.
Water Rates
We bill using a tiered rate structure in order to encourage water conservation. All customers pay a base rate of $68.06 per quarter, which includes the first 6000 gallons of water. Additional increments of water are billed at the following rates:
6,000-20,000 is $2.47 per thousand gallons
20-39,000 is $4.05 per thousand gallons
39-60,000 is $5.26 per thousand gallons
60-99,000 is $6.54 per thousand gallons
99,000 and above is $8.46 per thousand gallons
Payment Options
There are several payment options that we offer to our customers. Please choose the most convenient payment option from the following choices:
- Pay by mail
- Pay by phone (using credit card or e-check) – call 1-888-900-8265 during regular business hours
- Sign up for electronic billing and pay online with a credit card or bank transfer
- Sign up for auto-pay for an additional fee.
Contact us during business hours at the number listed below for more information.